

Employees lead busy lives, on average eight hours at their workplace. It can be challenging to find time for a health screen. It is a simple health promotion strategy to ensure your employees make a necessary lifestyle change before it is too late. Our nurses have over 10 years of experience. Our health screening profiles are designed to deliver a comprehensive overview of the health of each participant.


Place your muscles in a big pot of cold water. If any either wont close at your touch or float in the water then discard them straight away. Pull off any of the beardy string attached. Bring a separate pot to a medium heat and add some coconut oil, diced onion and garlic. Cook for 2 or 3 mins. Add 100 mls of dry white wine and cook for a further 3 mins. Add the muscles and cook for 3-5 mins. They should be all open and add 1 tbsp of greek yogurt. Stir and serve with crusty whole meal bread

You will need a bamboo sushi mat to roll it properly. Cook your quinoa in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Drain and set aside to cool. Prepare your fillings, you can use any raw veg cut into strips, tuna or chicken. Line the sushi sheet with the quinoa to about 1cm thick leaving about 3 cm of space clear at the far end. Add your filling at the end close to you and tightly roll it up. Wet the clear end so it sticks. Cut with a sharp knife. Serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and soya sauce

2 Plums, 100g Qunioa, 2 handfulls rocket lettuce, 20g feta cheese, 1 handfull of nuts. 1 Pomegranate, 1 tbs cider vinegar, 1 tbs olive oil. Bring 500mls water to a boil and add the quinoa. Simmer for 20 mins or until the water has been absorbed. All to stand for 10 mins. Take half the pomegranate and seperate the fruit from the skin. Crush the fruit and add the cider vinegar and oil. Mix all the ingredients together and pour some of the pomegranate dressing on top.

Peel and slice as much veg as you can fit in the tray you have available. Carrot, parsnip, onion, garlic, bell peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes all work well. Add 2 tbs coconut oil and 2 tbs balsamic vinegar to the tray and pre heat it at 180 degrees for 10 mins. Add the veg carefully and mix so that it is all coated in the oil/balsamic. Cook for about 40 mins stirring 2 or 3 more times. Serve on its own or as a side dish.